Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tuesday and Wednesday's Happenings


I can't really remember what we did yesterday. I do know that Mandy watched Andrew while I made a quick trip to the WIC office to pick up Carole's milk fortifier. We let the kids play a bit while Mandy and I stamped some cards. Then it was naptime. After Mandy left I did some cleaning around the kitchen. Phil was at the church all day writing his sermon. We went fo ra wagon ride last night just before dark. Andrew kept Carole happy as you can see from the picture. Well, maybe not from the picture... Andrew does not like to have his picture taken! That is about all I can remember about Tuesday. I don't even remember any funny stories. Sorry.

Today, Wednesday...

Phil worked at the church in the morning and the kids and I visited Laura Nelson and her kids. Andrew and Christopher are finally playing good together and Andrew did not want to come home. The picture is of Ciara (4 years old) holding Carole. Doesn't it look like Carole is getting chubbier?

Around noon Phil came home for lunch and stayed home the rest of the day. When I got both of the kids down for naps, I went over to Mandy's to help her pack up some of their stuff as they will be moving in 3 weeks. I told Phil to call me if Carole woke up before 3:30pm. He called after Carole had been asleep for 45 minutes. The poor guy, he said she wouldn't burp for him (that is why she usually wakes up early) and she wouldn't take her pacifier and go back to sleep. So I quickly came home to my crying baby. I picked her up, she burped a loud thunderous burp, and she went right back to sleep. Poor Phil. I know he tried, but sometimes Carole can be a stinker. I then went back to Mandy's for another hour. We got a lot packed. We packed a lot of dishes and stuff that she won't need for the next 3 weeks.

Phil is now at the prayer meeting and I am home with the kids. Andrew is entertaining Carole. She was getting crabby in her exersaucer while Andrew was sitting on the potty after supper. Once he had done his business and came out to play, she has been as happy as a lark!

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