Today was one of those days where I wished I didn't have kids. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids A LOT! I just wanted to sit in church in peace. Let me explain...
First off for my morning, Carole woke up extremely crabby. She got a good nights sleep so I deduced it must be her molars that are trying to come in. Over the last few days I have been trying to switch her from the bottle to a cup. Yesterday she did great and today...well lets just say I wish I had earplugs in. She screamed and screamed her high pitched girlie scream. At this point I had no patience, so I just gave her the bottle. I figured it was her teeth and reached into the cupboard for the Tylenol so she would be good during church. By accident I gave her Benadryl which is also red like the Tylenol. Unfortunately the dose for Tylenol is more than a dose of Benadryl. I quick called a friend in our church who is a nurse and quickly explained my dilemma. She said Carole would be fine even though it was more than a normal dose. She said she may be sleepy. Not Carole!!! Her crabbiness just got worse.
When it was time to leave for church Andrew had a melt down because he wanted to wear his Thomas sandals that are too small for him. When he got over that tantrum we headed to church. Church was a disaster, for me anyway. Andrew would not sit still or be quiet. When Phil was doing the announcements he asked if anyone had anything else to add. Andrew stood up and loudly shouted, "My do!" Phil laughed and asked what he had to share. Andrew said, "I's just kidding, Dad." I was embarrassed. I felt like a terrible mother who could not control her kids at all. During all of this Carole was throwing a fit because her milk was in a sippy cup instead of her bottle. Aren't I such a bad mommy?! I took Andrew to the nursery and asked a friend to keep an eye on him while Carole and I ran home to get her bottle. Keep in mind it was 100 degrees here today!! At this point I just wanted to stay home but I had left Andrew in the nursery. We ran back to church with a BOTTLE and Carole finally ate. We made it through the rest of church, barely. She was so terrible whiny I fed her lunch as soon as we got home and put her to bed. She slept 3 hours. I guess the Benadryl finally kicked in.
Someday I will look back on all of this and laugh, but today I just wanted to scream. I had to keep saying to myself, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS!" Sooner than later would be nice! :-)